Saturday, February 11, 2012

Bare with us, we are still building our new blog. In case you haven't figured it out by the new title, we are adopting once again. This summer we began praying for our Lord's guidance about adopting another child. Many wise people we are blessed to know and family were also praying along beside us. We researched while we were praying and were open to where He would lead us. We researched local, domestic and international adoption just as we had before. In the end, we felt the Lord leading down the path to adopt through America World Adoption Association and to China once again. We sat down with Andrew one night and broached the subject with him. He is ECSTATIC!!! He really wants a little brother or sister and keeps asking when we are going to China to get them. He doesn't quite understand the detailed process and the long paper pregnancy! I'll eventually get our timeline on the side. We have finished our home study and most of our documents except 3 have gone through the authentication process and been copied. Still need to copy our US State Department and Chinese Embassy stamp pages for the last ones we got back. We have our fingerprint appointment set with USCIS on February 27 in Durham. At least we don't have to drive to Charlotte this time. Especially since our appointment time is at 0800! We'll have to take Andrew with us since his school doesn't start until 0900.
 Andrew already has his passport and is looking forward to seeing the land he was born in! Some things will not be easy for him. I am sure he will be asking lots of questions while we are there and he is soaking it all in. He is so inquisitive and likes to figure out everything!
We have started a fundraising store to help raise money for the adoption. The link is to your left. If you wish to help us out you and click on the link. There are 6 different tshirts available to purchase. We will also be doing a yard sale this spring and who knows, maybe I'll be baking up a storm to raise money also! I love to bake! Please do not feel pressured to buy. We understand. The most important thing is prayer.
Our God is an awesome God and we know His plan is perfect and He is in complete control! He knows the desires of our heart and what our true needs are. We definitely covet your prayers through this process. Stay tuned! More to come!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

First time on the ice.

Andrew was invited to a friend's party and got to experience ice skating for the first time. I had roller skated before so I manage to stay upright while Andrew use something like a walker to scoot around. He got so good, that sometimes I had to go faster than I wanted to keep up. He is wearing a red helmet and a red and gray jacket. You will be able to see him better at the very end of the video.